Easy Blue Cheese Steak Sauce

Ideal for lunch or dinner

Prep Time
2 Mins

Cook Time
10 Mins



230ml         Cream
150g            Blue Cheese, chopped or crumbled
1 tsp            Worschteshire Sauce                                                                                           
0.5 tsp        Garlic Powder
0.5 tsp         Black Pepper


1.   Set a small saucepan over medium-low heat.
2.  Add in cream stirring occassionally for 5-6 minutes or until hot to touch. 
3.  Stir / whisk in the blue cheese slowly until melted and incorporated.
4.  Add in Worschteshire sauce, garlic powder and black pepper.
5.  Simmer and stir over low heat for 2 minutes.
6.  Serve immediately or transfer to container and keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
7.  Enjoy!

Chef's Tip

1.  Salt and pepper your steaks and leave uncovered in the refrigerator overnight.
2.  Remove from refrigerator and leave at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking to "temper" the meat.
3.  This will ensure a nice crust, seasoning all the way through the meat and an even cooking temperature.

tbsp = tablespooon     tsp = teaspoon